Sherry Clark

Dec 13, 20181 min

Feeling Inspired

I’m not an outdoorsy person. I like to stay warm (or cool, depending on the outside temperature) and dry. Writing and hosting are what I do best. I prefer telling people about the farm, rather than doing the manual labor necessary to make it function.

But sometimes Emilie needs help in the garden. And although I don’t look forward to doing physical work outside in the elements, I’m always rewarded.

Working and being outside, slowing down my typically hurried pace and doing an activity that’s not my norm clears my mind. Chores that I view as keeping me from my own work actually refresh me and inspire me creatively.

How about you? How does working/being outside inspire you? If you've never experienced this, ask about our Work Exchange Program. We’d love to give you this opportunity at Purdon Groves!
